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A space to ground, grow, and heal

February 1, 2025 

Winter Retreat

Are you coming to play? Here's all you need to know to prepare for the retreat:

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returning to our roots


As we navigate these wild times, a deepening is calling. A call to return home to ancient wisdoms. To explore rituals and earth-based practices that invite our power back into our own hands, bodies, throughout our communities and beyond! These sacred traditions yearn to be known, lived, and adapted to sustain our whole selves in these modern and rapidly changing times. 


We are now Returning to the Roots of this sacred wisdom, while taking account of all that has grown, changed, shifted, cracked or healed within our recent years together. And through this sacred evolution and returning to our origin, we draw from deep wells and source our own empowerment, courage, and inspiration.


This marks TEN amazing, powerful years of Medicine Womyn’s Retreats! With this milestone, welcomes a rebirth cycle. From the early days in 2015 to now-2025, this project has been shape shifting, morphing, and always growing and evolving. Now we are inspired to go back to the roots of what called Kori to birth this sacred project a decade ago, to draw from those initial glimmers and weave in all that MWR has held and endured since. We are being called back and towards embodied, integrated, heart-centered practices that facilitate self-initiated empowerment. Our web of wise womyn hold incredible knowledge ripe for these times that longs to be shared. Together we can get our literal hands dirty and wash our spirits clean.


Over the course of our retreats together we will expand into our inner knowing, remember ancient skills for caring for our bodies and the lands we steward, weave connection in a sacred community, and deeply nourish and nurture ourselves alongside one another.


the latest from @medicinewomynsretreat


let the healing begin

The root intention of these retreats is to nourish. To take time out of our busy lives; as mamas, partners, sisters, human beings and to take a day or an entire weekend off from the hustle of everyday life and simply relax and receive. To come to our retreats offers an opportunity to slow down, recharge with our feet firmly connected to the earth, to tune into the innate rhythms of the seasons, the local botany and wild medicines and to be reminded of all the powerful tools that we have within and around us.


Our retreats offer more than just a day or weekend away. They offer a deeper sense of connection- they invite in true sacred sisterhood, laughter, play, levity, vitality, wisdom, inspiration, nourishment, healing foods, movement, sacred ceremony, body adornment, arts/crafts, and so much more!

“I’ve been attending now my 7th Medicine Womyns retreat and with each one I gain new insight and grow closer to all the women in the circle! I could never imagine that such sisterhood could be had and brought together like this biannually- Mark the calendar now cause this event is not to be missed! ”

Our website is in transition. Please stand by, and come back soon for the full Medicine Womyn experience!

our retreats


summer immersion

august 22-24 2025


recenter.              ground.             connect.

Join us for Medicine Womyn Retreat XV: Returning to Our Roots, a three-day journey of deep nourishment, earth-centered wisdom, and wild sacred play.

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